Conscious inclusion can be defined as “strategically execute[ing] a practical approach to driving the thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that allow us to value and leverage differences to achieve superior results.”

Conscious inclusion is possible when we are aware of our personal preferences. Preference is another way of saying bias, both conscious and unconscious. Though it is essential to be mindful of our biases, this mindfulness must inform and shape our actions for the better. In this way, conscious inclusion moves beyond unconscious bias to change the way we act. 

Choosing to be consciously inclusive is necessary in the workplace. It involves taking action to prevent our biases from influencing our decisions, like how we go about recruiting and who we choose to hire. How do we talk about inclusion in the workplace and look for solutions to ensure diversity? How does technology play a role in helping candidates, recruiters, and hiring leaders maintain awareness of their bias and reduce its effect?

The advantages of diversity in the workplace are well known. When we are around people who are different from us, we think differently and in more creative ways, and we work smarter.  Diverse teams are more innovative problem solvers, returning a more robust bottom line.

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